Friday, May 3, 2013

     Freestyle skiing began in the 1930's, when Norwegian skiers began performing acrobatics during alpine and cross-country training. Freestyle skiing first began to be contested seriously in the 1960s and early 1970s, when it was often known as "hot-dogging." Bob Burns, who later went on to create The Ski brand skis, pioneered this style in Sun Valley, Idaho, beginning in 1965.
     Over the years freestyle skiing has changed greatly. The tricks done in competitions have evolved so much since 10 years ago until now. 10 years ago you could do ao cork 540 (an off axis front flip with a 540 degree spin with it) and win the X-Games. This year in the winter X-Games Alex Schlopy, a professional skier, did a tripple cork 1980!!! That is 3 whole
off-axis front flips with a 1980 degree spin! Thats 5 and a half full 360 degree spins along with 3 flips!

     The first twin-tip ski was the Olin Mark IV Comp introduced in 1974. The first company to successfully market a twin-tip ski was Salomon, with their Teneighty ski. The company LINE skis was the first ski company to only sell twin-tip skis.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is really cool. I never realized skiing was invented so recently. I wonder why they used to call it hot-dogging back then. I didn’t even know something like a triple cork 1980 was possible. I have never actually watched the X-Games before, but after reading this post, I think maybe I should.
